Wild Florida: Mammals and Sea Life

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Wild Florida: Mammals and Sea Life

Wild Florida Mammals and Sea Life (Part 3) is an educational book, full of research and some photos of land mammals, sea mammals and other sea life. If you are an animal lover, the photos will warm your heart or give you a simple smile. The text will tell you stories, tell about animals and why they are important. It will inform you what desperately needs our care and protection and what we can do about it. It will tell you about the urgency of why we need to take care of our planet and its creatures. Some information is not only Florida related, as the same species are found in different areas of the United States or the world. Also, some information applies to all, no matter where we are in the world. Everything is connected and we are connected to nature.

“Have you had an experience in your life that touched you so much, you folded that memory and gently placed it in the pocket of your heart?” – Ineta Love Wonder, Wild Florida: Mammals and Sea Life

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